Sunday, June 24, 2012

Belly laughs

During my journey of self discovery I Have learned so much. Things that I like (comedy shows) and things I don't like (clubs). I am a girl that loves to laugh, laughing is like crying though, in the sense that the uglier the face the better the emotion.

When I laugh really hard my face...well I can imagine it doesn't look pleasant. It feels a lot like my ugly cry face to be honest. Those are the gut wrenching belly laughs that are marvelous. Last night, thanks to Tamara and her lack of coffee experience I was rolling. Mainly bc her laugh is so contagious that it made the already funny become beyond hilarious. She probably thinks I am the meanest person in the entire world with how much I was picking on her but hey, I never had a younger sibling...I'm just trying to catch up! Lol

If you haven't seen the video I posted on my Facebook you should take a look at it. That video still has my eye a little sore from laughing so much! The comedy show we attended last night was great! The jokes were funny and the improv was hilarious! I loved it! Although I am floored that grown men have not seen you've got mail...? Really?! True story.

Watching the Titanic scene or the "One Liners" was awesome. There is really nothing more entertaining that improv to me. I loved it when I was in school. It is an excuse to adults to play awesome is that? If you have ever dreamed of being an actor when you were younger you can relate to me love to improv.

I think those boys really should ask my opinion on a few things to do though, people underestimate my comic abilities. The night was a success though. I got to drink Amazing coffee (sit n talks nutty professor=pure bliss) kick a 5'12, 400 lb bald man around ( thanks Adrian!) and hang out with my sister, which you all know I love that.

Sibling bonds as you age is a blog for a different day. Hope all your weekends were just as entertaining! I'm off to go haul dirt into mine and Hayden's imaginary space ship. Yes, actual dirt.

Laters baby!

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